MENA summit 2019 – Dubai
10 December 2019
Monte Di Procida becomes a cardio-protected municipality
5 February 2020In recent days we have completed the installation of 5 defibrillators in as many city pharmacies, which our club has identified because they are characterized by factors such as the prolonged opening hours (Pedrazzini Pharmacy Cagliari in Via Bacaredda and Piga Pharmacy in Viale Trieste), the location in crowded places of passage (Solinas Pharmacy in Piazza Repubblica) or in the suburbs (Meloni Pharmacy of Sant’Elia and Pharmacies Sanna Deplano Cagliari in Via Is Mirrionis). These installations, planned in the past year, add to that at the Fasciolo di Pirri Pharmacy which we have already reported. The defibrillators installed by the Cagliari Rotary Club as part of their Cagliari Città Cardioprotetta project thus increase to 45 (the complete list is available on the Rotary website, reachable at the following direct link: https://www.rotarycagliari.org/news.php …).